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The examples from Migastone Academy, Migastone International Srl, and the individuals mentioned as case studies are the result of hard work in the field, meticulously applying the teachings you will find in this Academy. If you are looking for "easy gains," you are not in the right place. Beware of such promises. There will be hard work involved here before you see the results you expect.
Migastone Academy is owned by MIGASTONE INTERNATIONAL SRL, located at Via 28 Luglio, 212, 47893 Borgo Maggiore, San Marino, COE SM28583.
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The examples from Migastone and the individuals mentioned as case studies are the result of hard work in the field, meticulously applying the teachings you will find in this Academy. If you are looking for "easy gains," you are not in the right place. Beware of such promises. There will be hard work involved here before you see the results you expect.
By subscribing to materials from the Publisher, you expressly acknowledge and accept that we are not making any promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees of any kind regarding future profit prospects or earnings in connection with your purchase of Migastone®️ products and/or services, and we have not authorized any projections, promises, or representations by third parties, whether internal or external to the company.